报告题目:Highlights of a Career in Science: Genetic Studies on Red Algae

报告人:  John Peter van der Meer

报告时间: 2010年10月22日 下午3:00

报告地点: 苏州大学独墅湖校区医学楼四楼学术报告厅


曾任加拿大国家研究院海洋生物研究所(NRC-MBI)所长,国际著名藻类学家,现任泛美海洋生物技术协会会长,主要从事大型海洋红藻的遗传学研究。对江篱属、紫菜属和其他海藻的细胞生物学、分子遗传学、生态学都有深入的研究。在Genome , Aquaculture, Botanica Marina, Canadian Journal of Botany, Journal of Phycology, Bioscience, Phycological Research, Hydrobiologia, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom等知名刊物发表研究论文多篇,出版多本专著。

van der Meer先生培养了包括中国海洋大学张学成教授在内的多位中国藻类学者,他的学生遍布世界各地,许多学生都已经成为国际知名的藻类学家。




1. McLachlan J., van der Meer J. P. and Bird N. L., Chromosome numbers of Gracilaria foliifera and Gracilaria sp. (Rhodophyta) and attempted hybridizations. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1977, 57: 1137-1141

2. Bird C. J., van der Meer J. P.  and McLachlan J., A Comment on Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf. (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1982, 62: 453-459

3. Kursar T. A., van der Meer J. P. and Alberte R.S., Light-Harvesting System of the Red Alga Gracilaria tikvahiae. I. Biochemical Analyses of Pigment Mutations. Plant Physiology, 1983, 73: 353-360.

4. van der Meer J. P. and Patwary M. U., Genetic modification of Gracilaria tikvahiae (Rhodophyceae). The production and evaluation of polyploids. Aquaculture, 1983, 33: 11-316

5. Patwary M. U. and van der Meer J.P., Improvement of Gracilaria tikvahiae (Rhodophyceae) by genetic modification of thallus morphology. Aquaculture, 1983, 33: 207-214

6. van der Meer J. P., Patwary M. U., Bird C. J., Genetics of Gracilaria tikvahiae (Rhodophyceae). X. Studies on a bisexual clone. Journal of Phycology. 1984, 20: 42-46

7. van der Meer J. P. and Pueschel C. M., Petersenia palmariae n. sp. (Oomycetes): a pathogenic parasite of the red alga Palmaria mollis (Rhodophyceae). Can. J. Bot. 1985, 63(3): 404–408

8. Zhang X. C. and van der Meer J. P., A study on heterosis in diploid gametophytes of the marine red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae. Botanica Marina.1987, 30: 309-314

9. Patwary M. U., Sensen C. W., MacKay R. M., van der Meer J. P., Nucleotide sequences of small-subunit and interal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear rRNA genes support the autonomy of some genera of the Gelidales (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology, 1998, 34: 299-305


