报告题目一:Zebrafish as A Model to Study Blood Development and Diseases

报告人:   刘廷析教授

报告时间: 2010年10月18日 下午2:30-3:30

报告地点: 苏州大学独墅湖校区703五楼3502唐仲英血液研究中心学术报告厅

刘廷析教授简介:刘廷析, 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院/上海交通大学健康科学研究所发育与疾病实验室研究组长,研究员,博士生导师。上海交通大学bwin必赢瑞金医院上海血液学研究所医学基因组学国家重点实验室研究组长,教授,博士生导师。上海高校模式生物E—研究院特聘教授,上海交通大学特聘教授。刘廷析1999年在陈竺院士实验室获得博士学位后,赴美在哈佛大学bwin必赢Dana-Farber癌症研究所做博士后研究。2004年获中国科学院“百人计划”;2005年获“国家杰出青年科学基金”;2006年获上海浦江人才计划,并承担中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目;2007年作为首席科学家承担科技部973重大科学研究计划项目;2008年承担国家自然科学基金重点项目。2009年度入选上海交通大学首届“吾爱吾师”优秀研究生导师二十强。2010年获“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”。刘廷析教授主要使用斑马鱼发育-疾病模式生物体,进行人类造血系统发育和疾病的分子遗传学及发育生物学研究和转化型医学研究。在阐明急性早幼粒细胞白血病维甲酸诱导分化的分子网络调控机制和人类遗传性白血病Fanconi贫血病人发育缺陷的分子遗传学机制等方面取得了显著的成果。特别是2005建立独立的实验室以来,在国际学术期刊如Nature Medicine, Developmental Cell, PNAS,Blood, Plos One上发表研究论文15篇,总计IF>108。


1.Fu CT, Zhu KY, Mi JQ, Liu YF, Murray ST, Fu YF, Ren CG, Dong ZW, Liu YJ, Dong M, Jin Y, Chen Y, Deng M, Zhang W, Chen B, Breslin P, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Becker MW, Zhu J, Zhang JW, Liu TX.(2010)An evolutionarily conserved PTEN-C/EBP{alpha}-CTNNA1 axis controls myeloid development and transformation.Blood. 115(23):4715-24(通讯作者)

2.Xu PF, Zhu KY, Jin Y, Chen Y, Sun XJ, Deng M, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Liu TX.(2010)Setdb2 restricts dorsal organizer territory and regulates left-right asymmetry through suppressing fgf8 activity.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(6):2521-6. (通讯作者)

3.Yuan H, Zhou J, Deng M, Liu X, Bras ML, The HD, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Liu TX, Zhu J.(2010)Small ubiquitin-related modifier paralogs are indispensable but functionally redundant during early development of zebrafish.Cell Res.20(2):185-96(合作作者)

4.Dong M, Fu YF, Du TT, Jing CB, Fu CT, Chen Y, Jin Y, Deng M, Liu TX.(2009)Heritable and lineage-specific gene knockdown in zebrafish embryo.PLoS One. 4(7):e6125. (通讯作者)

5.Du TT, Fu YF, Dong M, Wang L, Fan HB, Chen Y, Jin Y, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Deng M, Huang QH, Liu TX.(2009)Experimental validation and complexity of miRNA-mRNA target interaction during zebrafish primitive erythropoiesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 381(4):688-93. (通讯作者)

6.Fu YF, Du TT, Dong M, Zhu KY, Jing CB, Zhang Y, Wang L, Fan HB, Chen Y, Jin Y, Yue GP, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Huang QH, Jing Q, Deng M, Liu TX. (2009)Mir-144 selectively regulates embryonic {alpha}-hemoglobin synthesis during primitive erythropoiesis.  Blood.113(6):1340-9 (通讯作者).

7.Zhang Y, Bai XT, Zhu KY, Jin Y, Deng M, Le HY, Fu YF, Chen Y, Zhu J, Look AT, Kanki J, Chen Z, Chen SJ, Liu TX. (2008) In vivo interstitial migration of primitive macrophages mediated by JNK-matrix metalloproteinase 13 signaling in response to acute injury. J Immunol. 181(3):2155-64 (通讯作者).

8.Wang L, Zhang Y, Zhou T, Fu YF, Du TT, Jin Y, Chen Y, Ren CG, Peng XL, Deng M, Liu TX. (2008) Functional characterization of lmo2-Cre transgenic zebrafish.  Dev Dyn.  237(8):2139-2146 (通讯作者).

9.Le HY, Zhang Y, Liu H, Ma LH, Jin Y, Huang QH, Chen Y, Deng M, Chen Z, Chen SJ, Liu TX. (2008) EENA promotes myeloid proliferation through stimulating ERK1/2 phosphorylation in zebrafish. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(25):17652-61 (通讯作者).

10.Luo GR, Chen Y, Li XP, Liu TX, Le WD. (2008) Nr4a2 is essential for the differentiation of dopaminergic neurons during zebrafish embryogenesis. Mol Cell Neurosci. 39(2):202-10 (共同通讯作者).

11.Sun XJ, Xu PF, Zhou T, Hu M, Fu CT, Zhang Y, Jin Y, Chen Y, Chen SJ, Huang QH, Liu TX, Chen Z. (2008) Genome-Wide Survey and Developmental Expression Mapping of Zebrafish SET Domain-Containing Genes. PLoS ONE. 3(1):e1499 (共同通讯作者).

12.Xie J, Wang W, Liu TX, Deng M, Ning G. (2008) Spatio-temporal expression of Chromogranin A during zebrafish embryogenesis. J Endocrinol. 198(3):451-8 (合作作者).

13.Liu TX, Becker MW, Jelinek J, Wu HS, Deng M, Hsu K, Bloomfield C, Stone R, Issa J-P, Erba HP, Clarke MF, Look AT. (2007) Chromosome 5q deletion and epigenetic suppression of the gene encoding alpha-catenin (CTNNA1) in myeloid cell transformation. Nature Medicine. 13(1): 78-83 (第一作者).

14.Liu TX, Rhodes J, Deng M, Hsu K, Radomska HS, Kanki JP, Tenen, DG, Look AT. (2007) Dominant-negative C/EBPa stimulates primitive erythropoiesis in zebrafish. Experimental Hematology. 35(2):230-239 (第一作者).

15.Mathias JR, Perrin BJ, Liu TX, Kanki J, Look AT, Huttenlocher A. (2006) Resolution of inflammation by retrograde chemotaxis of neutrophils in transgenic zebrafish. J Leukoc Biol. 80(6):1281-1288 (合作作者).

16.Rhodes J, Hagen A, Hsu K, Deng M, Liu TX, Look AT, Kanki JP. (2005) Interplay of Pu.1 and Gata1 Determines Myelo-Erythroid Progenitor Cell Fate in Zebrafish. Developmental Cell. 8(1):97-108 (合作作者).

17.Berghmans S, Murphey RD, Wienholds E, Neuberg D, Kutok JL, Morris JP, Liu TX, Schulte-Merker S, Kanki JP, Plasterk R, Zon LI, Look AT. (2005) tp53 Mutant Zebrafish Develop Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 102(2):407-412 (合作作者).

18.Song HD, Sun XJ, Deng M, Zhang GW, Zhou Y, Wu XY, Sheng Y, Chen Y, Ruan Z, Jiang CL, Fan HY, Zon LI, Kanki JP, Liu TX, Look AT, Chen Z. (2004) Hematopoietic gene expression profile in zebrafish kidney marrow. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 101(46):16240-16245 (合作作者).

19.Hsu K, Traver D, Kutok JL, Hagen A, Liu TX, Paw BH, Rhodes J, Berman J, Zon LI, Kanki JP, Look AT. (2004) The pu.1 promoter drives myeloid gene expression in zebrafish. Blood 104(5):1291-1297 (合作作者).

20.Liu TX, Howlett NG, Deng M, Langenau DM, Hsu K, Rhodes J, Kanki JP, D'Andrea AD, Look AT. (2003) Knockdone of Zebrafish Fancd2 Causes Developmental Abnormalities via p53-Dependent Apoptosis. Developmental Cell. 5(6):903-914 (第一作者).

21.Liu TX, Zhou Y, Kanki JP, Deng M, Rhodes J, Yang HW, Sheng XM, Zon LI, Look AT. (2002) Evolutionary conservation of zebrafish linkage group 14 with frequently deleted regions of human chromosome 5 in myeloid malignancies. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 99(9): 6136-6141 (第一作者).

22.Bennett CM, Kanki JP, Rhodes J, Liu TX, Paw BH, Kieran MW, Langenau DM, Delahaye-Brown A, Zon LI, Fleming MD, Look AT. (2001) Myelopoiesis in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Blood. 98(3): 643-651(合作作者).

23.Liu TX, Zhang JW, Tao J, Zhang RB, Zhang QH, Zhao CJ, Tong JH, Lanotte M, Waxman S, Chen SJ, Mao M, Hu GX, Zhu L, Chen Z. (2000) Gene expression networks underlying retinoic acid-induced differentiation of acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. Blood. 96(4):1496-1504 (第一作者).



报告题目二:Chemical Genetic Study on Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Repopulation Capability.

报告人:  周一博士

报告时间: 2010年10月18日 下午3:30-4:30

报告地点: 苏州大学独墅湖校区703五楼3502唐仲英血液研究中心学术报告厅

周一博士简介:周博士现任美国哈佛大学bwin必赢波士顿幼儿医院和霍华德休斯医学研究所讲师(Instructor)。周一1995年在美国福罗里达州迈阿密大学(University of Miami)获得博士学位。先后在迈阿密大学和哈佛大学bwin必赢做博士后研究。周博士长期研究斑马鱼和蛙发育遗传和基因组学。周博士在脊椎动物造血机制方面做出许多重要发现;在诠释斑马鱼基因组方面也做出许多重要的贡献。周博士利用ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq和DNA甲基化分析等技术成功地解析器官形成和干细胞中的表观遗传学调节机制。周博士还利用高通量化学遗传筛选技术发现对干细胞和器官形成起作用的小分子物质。已经在Cell,Nature,Nature Genetics,Plos Biology,PNAS,Genome Research,Blood,Development等著名期刊发表45篇论文。


1. Zhou, Y., King ML. Localization of Xcat-2 RNA, a putative germ plasm component, to the mitochondrial cloud in Xenopus stage I oocytes. (1996) Development 122:2947-2953.

2. Zhou, Y., King ML.  RNA Transport to the Vegetal Cortex of Xenopus Oocytes. (1996) Dev. Biol. 179:173-183.

3. Mead PE, Zhou, Y., Lustig KD, Huber TL, Kirschner MW, Zon LI. (1998) Cloning of Mix-related homeodomain proteins using fast retrieval of gel shift activities, (FROGS), a technique for the isolation of DNA-binding proteins.  Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 95:11251-11256.

4. Huber TL, Zhou, Y., Mead PE, and Zon LI. (1998) Cooperative effects of growth factors involved in the induction of hematopoietic mesoderm.  Blood 92:4128-4137.

5. Donovan A, Brownlie A, Zhou, Y., Shepard J, Pratt SJ, Moynihan J, Paw BH, Drejer A, Barut B, Zapata A, Law TC, Brugnara C, Lux SE, Pinkus GS, Pinkus JL, Kingsley PD, Palis J, Fleming MD, Andrews NC, and Zon LI. (2000) Position cloning of zebrafish ferroportin1 identifies a conserved vertebrate iron exporter.  Nature 403:776-781.

6. Hukriede N, Fisher D, Epstein J, Joly L, Tellis P, Zhou Y, Barbazuk B, Cox K, Fenton-Noriega L, Hersey C, Miles J, Sheng X, Song A, Waterman R, Johnson SL, Dawid IB, Chevrette M, Zon LI, McPherson J, Ekker M. (2001) The LN54 radiation hybrid map of zebrafish expressed sequences.  Genome Res. 11(12):2127-32.

7. Ming-Chyuan Chen, Yi Zhou, and H. William Detrich, III (2002) Zebrafish mitotic kinesin-like protein 1 (Mklp1) functions in embryonic cytokinesis. Physiol. Genomics  8: 51-66.

8. Liu TX, Zhou Y, Kanki JP, Deng M, Rhodes J, Yang HW, Sheng XM, Zon LI, Look AT (2002).    Evolutionary conservation of zebrafish linkage group 14 with frequently deleted regions of human chromosome 5 in myeloid malignancies.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99(9):6136-41.

9. Donovan A, Brownlie A, Dorschner MO, Zhou Y, Pratt SJ, Paw BH, Phillips RB, Thisse C, Thisse B, Zon LI. (2002) The zebrafish mutant gene chardonnay (cdy) encodes divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1). Blood 100(13):4655-9.

10. Guyon JR, Mosley AN, Zhou Y, O'Brien KF, Sheng X, Chiang K, Davidson AJ, Volinski JM, Zon LI, Kunkel LM (2003).  The dystrophin associated protein complex in zebrafish. Hum Mol Genet 12(6):601-15

11. Barry H. Paw, Alan J. Davidson, Yi Zhou, Rong Li, Stephen J. Pratt, Nikolaus S. Trede, Alison Brownlie, Adriana Donovan, Eric C. Liao, James M. Ziai, Anna H. Drejer, Wen Guo, Carol H. Kim, Babette Gwynn Luanne L. Peters, Marina N. Chernova, Seth L. Alper, Agustin Zapata, Sunitha N. Wickramasinghe, Matthew J. Lee, Samuel E. Lux, Andreas Fritz, John H. Postlethwait, Leonard I. Zon. (2003) Cell-specific Mitotic Defect and Dyserythropoiesis Associated with Erythroid Band 3 Deficiency.  Nat Genet 34(1):59-64.

12. Piotrowski T, Ahn DG, Schilling TF, Nair S, Ruvinsky I, Geisler R, Rauch GJ, Haffter P, Zon LI, Zhou Y, Foott H, Dawid IB, Ho RK. (2003) The zebrafish van gogh mutation disrupts tbx1, which is involved in the DiGeorge deletion syndrome in humans. Development. 2003 Oct;130(20):5043-52.

13. Ransom DG, Bahary N, Niss K, Traver D, Burns C, Trede NS, Paffett-Lugassy N, Saganic WJ,  Lim CA, Hersey C, Zhou Y, Barut BA, Lin S, Kingsley PD, Palis J, Orkin SH, Zon LI. (2004) The Zebrafish moonshine Gene Encodes Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1gamma, an Essential Regulator of Hematopoiesis. PLoS Biol. 2(8):E237.

14. Song HD, Sun XJ, Deng M, Zhang GW, Zhou Y, Wu XY, Sheng Y, Chen Y, Ruan Z, Jiang CL, Fan HY, Zon LI, Kanki JP, Liu TX, Look AT, Chen Z. (2004) Hematopoietic gene expression profile in zebrafish kidney marrow. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101(46):16240-5.

15. Wingert RA, Brownlie A, Galloway JL, Dooley K, Fraenkel P, Axe JL, Davidson AJ, Barut B, Noriega L, Sheng X, Zhou Y, Zon LI. (2004) The chianti zebrafish mutant provides a model for erythroid-specific disruption of transferrin receptor 1. Development. 131(24):6225-35.

16. Hernandez-Lagunas L, Choi IF, Kaji T, Simpson P, Hershey C, Zhou Y, Zon L, Mercola M, Artinger KB. (2005) Zebrafish narrowminded disrupts the transcription factor prdm1 and is required for neural crest and sensory neuron specification. Dev Biol. 278(2):347-57.

17. Weber GJ, Choe SE, Dooley KA, Paffett-Lugassy NN, Zhou Y, Zon LI. (2005) Mutant specific gene programs in the zebrafish. Blood. 106(2):521-30

18. Shepard JL, Amatruda JF, Stern HM, Subramanian A, Finkelstein D, Ziai J, Finley KR, Pfaff KL, Hersey C, Zhou Y, Barut B, Freedman M, Lee C, Spitsbergen J, Neuberg D, Weber G, Golub TR, Glickman JN, Kutok JL, Aster JC, Zon LI. (2005) A zebrafish bmyb mutation causes genome instability and increased cancer susceptibility. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(37):13194-9.

19. Shaw GC, Cope JJ, Li L, Corson K, Hersey C, Ackermann GE, Gwynn B, Lambert AJ, Wingert RA, Traver D, Trede NS, Barut BA, Zhou Y, Minet E, Donovan A, Brownlie A, Balzan R, Weiss MJ, Peters LL, Kaplan J, Zon LI, Paw BH. (2006) Mitoferrin is essential for erythroid iron assimilation. Nature. 2006 440(7080):96-100.

20. Trede NS, Medenbach J, Damianov A, Hung LH, Weber GJ, Paw BH, Zhou Y, Hersey C, Zapata A, Keefe M, Barut BA, Stuart AB, Katz T, Amemiya CT, Zon LI, Bindereif A. (2007) Network of coregulated spliceosome components revealed by zebrafish mutant in recycling factor p110. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(16):6608-13.

21. Amigo JD, Ackermann GE, Cope JJ, Yu M, Cooney JD, Ma D, Langer NB, Shafizadeh E, Shaw GC, Horsely W, Trede NS, Davidson AJ, Barut BA, Zhou Y, Wojiski SA, Traver D, Moran TB, Kourkoulis G, Hsu K, Kanki JP, Shah DI, Lin HF, Handin RI, Cantor AB, Paw BH. (2009) The role and regulation of friend of GATA-1 (FOG-1) during blood development in the zebrafish. Blood. 114(21):4654-63.

22. Smith AC, Raimondi AR, Salthouse CD, Ignatius MS, Blackburn JS, Mizgirev IV, Storer NY, de Jong JL, Chen AT, Zhou Y, Revskoy S, Zon LI, Langenau DM. (2010) High-throughput cell transplantation establishes that tumor-initiating cells are abundant in zebrafish T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 115(16):3296-303.

23. Bai X, Kim J, Yang Z, Jurynec MJ, Akie TE, Lee J, LeBlanc J, Sessa A, Jiang H, DiBiase A, Zhou Y, Grunwald DJ, Lin S, Cantor AB, Orkin SH, Zon LI.(2010) TIF1gamma controls erythroid cell fate by regulating transcription elongation. Cell 142(1):133-43.


